Bookelves by Carson Fire
A place to find many things, including Carson Fire's Elf Life comics, writings, and artwork.
The Lifting of the Veil by Chris Tejeda
Welcome to the end. A free serial SciFi novel of the apocalypse... "As most of the world is destroyed and nothing remains to fight for, Thomas Hayward leads a group of survivors against the forces that now populate Earth."
Dark Matters by Theron Gibbons
An intimate romp through the end of the world. Driving right out of Arizona's back yard and across the apocalypse.
Children of the First by Alex McGaughan
College has never been quite this strange. Of course, if you've a Dragonblood things are probably not always on the level.
STREET by Ryan A. Span
Cyberpunking the genre with telepathy and psychosis. If you like William Gibson, Neal Stephenson, and other masters you'll find some love here.